
Goals of this lecture#

This lecture will cover classes in Python.

While there’s not enough time to discuss classes in detail, we’ll focus on the following topics:

  • What is a class? What is it useful for?

  • How do you define a class in Python?

  • Practical: how do you find out information about a class?

What is a class?#

A Python class defines an object. Each object is a way to organize data (attributes) and operations to perform on that data (methods).

We’ve encountered objects before.

  • A list is a type of object, which has associated methods:

    • append, pop, and more.

  • A dict is also a type of object.

    • update, keys, items, and more.

  • So are different types of data (bool, etc.) and even functions.

What makes objects useful?#

Objects are useful for organizing data and operations in a structured way.

  • Example: consider representing the date.

  • Format is MM/DD/YYYY: 09/18/2022

Using a str#

We could represent the date with a str, but it’s hard to perform operations with this representation. (E.g., what if we wanted to compare this date to another date?)

## Representing as a string
date_str = "09/18/2022"

Using a list#

We could represent the date with a list, but then we’d have to remember which index corresponds to each feature.

## Each index corresponds to MM, DD, and YYYY
date_list = ['09', '18', '2022']
['09', '18', '2022']

Using a dict#

We could also represent the date with a dict, which adds more structure.

## Now each *key* tells us more about what a given value reflects.
date_dictionary = {'day': 18,
                  'month': 9,
                  'year': 2022}
{'day': 18, 'month': 9, 'year': 2022}

Using datetime#

But we could also use a Python object that’s engineered to represent the date specifically.

## This is called an import statement
## We're *importing* a useful package to use
from datetime import date
date_object = date(day = 18,
                  month = 9,
                  year = 2022)
date_object, 9, 18)

Classes can unlock more affordances#

Because the date object is built specifically to represent dates, it has many custom methods we can use to perform operations on those dates.

## Retrieve day information
## Convert to calendar time
'Sun Sep 18 00:00:00 2022'

Comparing dates!#

Having a custom object makes certain operations much easier, like comparing dates.

date2 = date(day = 17, month = 9,
            year = 2022)
## How far apart are these dates?
date_object - date2

Attributes vs. methods#

An attribute is data associated with an object. We can access attributes using the dot (object.attr_name) syntax.

A method is a function that belongs to an object, and which operates on that object. We can access methods using the dot syntax as well (object.method_name()), but they also require parentheses (), since they are functions.

'Sat Sep 17 00:00:00 2022'

Summary: why classes?#

  • Often, we need to work with a set of data and operations to perform on that data.

  • In theory, we can do that with a combination of lists and dictionaries.

  • But a custom class makes things much easier.

    • Python has tons of custom objects, that make your life easier in this regard.

    • We’ll also learn how to define a class ourselves.

Defining a class#

To create a new class, we use the class ClassName syntax.

## By convention, class names are capitalized
class Cat():
    # By default, make color "black"
    color = "black"
    # This is a custom *method* 
    def meow(self, n_times = 2):
        return "Meow" * n_times
    # This is another custom *method*
    def purr(self, n_times = 4):
        return "Purr" * n_times

Instantiating a class#

Now that we’ve defined a class, we can instantiate it.

  • Instantiation means creating a particular instance of that class.

    • Analogy: “Cat” is an abstract concept/category, but “patroclus” could be a specific cat.

  • Syntax: instance_name = ClassName()

## Create a cat object
patroclus = Cat()
# Use purr method
## Access attribute
# Use meow method
patroclus.meow(n_times = 1)

Instance attributes#

The __init__ function allows us to define a class with custom attributes as well as methods.

  • The self keyword refers to specific instances of that class.

class Cat():    
    ## __init__ method allows custom color
    def __init__(self, color):
        self.color = color
    def meow(self, n_times = 2):
        return "Meow" * n_times
    def purr(self, n_times = 4):
        return "Purr" * n_times
## Create two cats with different colors
patroclus = Cat(color = "black")
bartimaues = Cat(color = "gray")
print("Patroclus is {x}".format(x = patroclus.color))
print("Bartimaues is {x}".format(x = bartimaues.color))
Patroclus is black
Bartimaues is gray


For an object person with the attribute height, how would you access that attribute?

  • person.height

  • person.height()

  • height(person)

## Your response here


You’d use person.height for the attribute.


For an object person with the method speak, how would you access that method?

  • person.speak

  • person.speak()

  • speak(person)

## Your response here


You’d use person.speak() for the method.

A more complex class.#

Let’s define a custom class called BankAccount. It should have the following features:

  • It stores an attribute called balance, which tells us how much money is in the account.

  • It has a method called deposit, which balance us to deposit a custom amount of money.

    • deposit should affect the value of amount.

  • It has a method called withdraw, which allows us to take out a custom amount of money.

    • withdraw should affect the value of balance.

Try thinking through this yourself first, then we’ll discuss a solution.

### Your code here

Solution: BankAccount#

class BankAccount():
    def __init__(self, starting_amount):
        self.balance = starting_amount
    def deposit(self, cash):
        # Change amount by this much
        self.balance += cash
    def withdraw(self, cash):
        # Change balance
        self.balance -= cash
        # Return amount
        return cash

BankAccount in practice#

# Create an instance, with starting_amount = 10
my_account = BankAccount(starting_amount = 10)
# Deposit 5 more dollars
# Withdraw 15 dollars


Right now, withdraw doesn’t check to make sure we have enough money in the account. How could we change this method, so that it instead:

  • Checks that balance >= cash.

  • If balance >= cash, return cash and change balance.

  • If balance < cash, print out a message saying: “Not enough in account!”

# Your code here

Finding out how a class works#

In CSS, you’ll probably use classes defined by other people more frequently than you define your own.

Thus, it’s important to know how to find out how a class works.

  • How do I instantiate this class?

  • What kinds of methods does this class have?

Using dir#

The dir keyword will list all attributes and methods associated with an object.

  • The under-score in those attributes/methods (called dunders) are special features associated with most Python objects.


Other helpful resources#

  • The ?ClassName syntax will bring up a window giving you information about that class (i.e., the documentation).

  • You can also search for this documentation on Google, e.g., “Python ClassName documentation”.

  • Finally, StackOverflow often has answers!

Learning to navigate these resources is an important part of programming. For me, much of my time programming is spent learning about a custom object/class in Python and looking at examples of it in use.


  • This is by no means a complete introduction to classes.

  • An Intro to Programming class in CSE would spend considerably more time, as classes are a key part of object-oriented programming and software engineering.

  • For our purposes, it’s important to know what a class is, how to define a class, and how to find out information about classes.