Python Basics: Variables#


  • Extra credit survey is due next Friday.

  • For people with trouble logging into DataHub (i.e., a network error), try the following:

    • Visit this page:

    • Click “Services” –> “manual-resetter” –> follow instructions.

    • (This has worked for us and also students we’ve suggested it to.)

Goals of this lecture#

In this lecture, we’ll introduce the concept of a variable.

  • What is it?

  • What do we use it for?

  • How does it work?

Python expressions#

An expression is just a block of code, e.g.,

a = 1
b = 2
c = a + b

Key things to remember:

  • Python will execute (run) an expression from top to bottom.

  • Expressions must obey the syntax of Python (we’ll discuss this more later).

Literal expressions#

  • Some kinds of code will be interpreted “literally” by Python.

  • A literal is a kind of object/quantity whose value does not change during the execution of a program (i.e., these are not variables).

## Literals can be numbers
# Or strings
"Hello, world!"
'Hello, world!'
# Or a "boolean"
# Or even the special value "None"


Why do you think executing the cell above (i.e., with None) doesn’t return anything, whereas executing a cell with True or 2 does? (More on NoneType.)


  • A variable stores a particular value.

    • You can think of this as a container.

    • Technically, a variable points to an object in memory.

  • Unlike literals, the value of a variable can change (i.e., it can vary).

  • Variables can be “set” (or “assigned”) using the assignment operator (=).

## This assigns the variable name "example_var" to the value 1.
example_var = 1
## This assigns the variable name "example_var" to the value 1.
example_var2 = "This is a string"
'This is a string'


What happens to the value of the variable test_var if we run the following code? Feel free to run it in the Jupyter notebook if you’re not sure.

test_var = 3
test_var = test_var + 4
## Your code here


What happens to the value of the variable test_var if we run this code? Feel free to run it in the Jupyter notebook if you’re not sure.

test_var = 3
test_var = test_var + new_var
## Your code here

Quick detour: Exceptions and Errors#

  • Sometimes, there’s an error in our code.

  • Fundamentally, an error (or “exception”) means that our code can’t run as written.

  • But there are multiple reasons that an error can arise:

    • A SyntaxError means that we used the wrong syntax in our expression, e.g., it was formatted incorrectly.

    • Even if our code is formatted correctly, other errors can arise, such as a NameError.

  • When an error arises, Python will give us a message indicating the type and source of the error.

# This code is referencing "new_var", which hasn't been defined
test_var + new_var
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [9], in <cell line: 2>()
      1 # This code is referencing "new_var", which hasn't been defined
----> 2 test_var + new_var

NameError: name 'test_var' is not defined

Assigning variables (cont’d)#

In programming, = means assignment: it is not a test for equality.

  • The == operator is a test for equality (e.g., 1 == (2 - 1)).

Multiple variables can be assigned in a single line:

test_var = new_var = 2

The Python interpreter will always start with the rightmost value (e.g., 2), then proceed to the left.

Note that the order of these terms matters:

test_var = 2   # This is okay!
2 = test_var   # This is not okay!

Rules on assigning variables#

  • Names on the left, values on the right (e.g., test_var = 2).

  • Names are case sensitive (the variable test_var cannot be accessed with test_VAR).

  • Variable names must begin with a letter.

    • They can contain a number (e.g., test1) or under-score, but can’t begin with a number or under-score.

  • Python mostly doesn’t care how you name your variables, though you should!

    • Remember that code is intended to be read by others––so make sure it’s clear!

Reserved words#

Python mostly doesn’t care how you name variables, but there are a handful of reserved words.

The full list is here, but here are some examples:

  • in

  • True

  • for

Importantly, these keywords are special literals in Python, meaning they have a built-in function or value.

  • in checks if a value is in a list.

  • True is a boolean type (as opposed to False).

  • for is a way to start a for loop (more on this later).

## This yields a SyntaxError
for = 3
  Input In [8]
    for = 3
SyntaxError: invalid syntax


A namespace is the “space” where a given set of variable names have been declared.

Recall that assignment creates a symbolic name that points to a particular value:

new_var = 2
  • Critically, that pointer only exists in the current namespace.

  • If you opened up a separate Jupyter notebook, new_var would not be defined.

Types of namespaces#

Python has several types of namespaces:

  1. Built-in: Built-in objects within Python (e.g., Exceptions, lists, and more). These can be accessed from anywhere.

  2. Global: Any objects defined in the main program. These can be accessed anywhere in the main program once you’ve defined them, but not in another Jupyter notebook, etc.

  3. Local: If you define new variables within a function, those variables can only be accessed within the “scope” of that function. (This will make more sense when we discuss functions.)


What happens when you type in whos? And what does that Type column mean?

Variable       Type    Data/Info
example_var    int     1
example_var2   str     This is a string

Variable Types#

Variables/values have different types. Intuitively, this is the “type” of thing that a variable is (a string, a number, etc.).

Here are some of the possible types in Python:






"A String"









[1, 2, 3]



{'a': 2}







int vs. float#

An integer stores a whole number, like 1.

A float stores a decimal-point number, like 1.5.


A string (str) stores characters as text.

  • Strings are defined by wrapping a sequence of characters in quotes.

  • Note that a string doesn’t have to be words: int_string = "1" would define a string with the character "1".


A boolean (boolean) stores either True or False.

  • Booleans will become very important when we want to use conditional statements, e.g., “if X, do Y…”.

  • When you check for equality using ==, the output is a boolean.

### Checking for equality
1 == 2

Checking variable type#

If you’re not sure what the type of a variable is, you can use the type function.

type("some words")


Suppose we execute the following code:

start_var = 1
new_var = str(start_var)

What do you think the type of new_var would be?


We can use casting to force a particular variable to take on a certain type.

  • x = int(1) will ensure that x is an int.

  • x = str(1) will ensure that x is a str.

x = str(1)
<class 'str'>

How do different types interact?#

The type of a variable determines what it it can and can’t do.

  • Two int variables can be added, subtracted, etc.

  • But you can’t add or subtract an int from a str.

    • This would cause a TypeError!

  • (However, note that you can “add” two str variables together––this just concatenates them.)

1 + 1 # This is fine
1 + "test" # This is not okay
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [40], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 1 + "test"

TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str'
"test" + "test" # This is okay

type can sometimes be tricky#

Even if we think something is a numeric type, if it’s wrapped in quotes, it’ll be interpreted as a string.

numeric_string = "1" # This is a string
numeric_int = 1 # This is an int

Debugging Guide: best practices#

When reading code, it’s very helpful to put yourself in the mind of the Python interpreter.


  • Python reads a block of code from top to bottom.

  • When interpreting an assignment statement, Python evaluates the right-hand side of the expression first, then works leftward.

  • For each line of code, think about the state of the namespace.

    • Which variables are defined?

    • What are their types and values?

When debugging, it’s helpful to print out the value of different variables at different points.


Will the code below run successfully without an error? If so, what is the value of c?

a = 1
b = 'new'
c = a + b
### Your code here


Will the code below run successfully without an error? If so, what is the value of c?

a = 1
b = 'new'
a = str(a)
c = a + b
### Your code here

Using print to debug#

We can print out the value and the type of different variables throughout a block of code.

This helps us isolate where exactly the code is going wrong.

a = 1
b = 2
c = str(b)
d = a + c
<class 'int'>
<class 'int'>
<class 'str'>
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [22], in <cell line: 7>()
      5 c = str(b)
      6 print(type(c))
----> 7 d = a + c

TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str'

Style Guide: best practices#

Technically, you can use whatever style you want when defining variables (e.g., new_var, NEW_VAR, newVar, etc.).

However, it helps to be consistent––and within particular programming communities, ceratin styles are preferred.

In Python, many people follow these practices:

  1. Put a space around either side of the assignment operator (a = 1, not a=1).

  2. Use snake_case for variable names (new_var, not newVar).

  3. Use informative variable names (current_amt, not a).


This was an introduction to variables in Python. There’s lots more we could discuss, but hopefully now you have a better sense of:

  1. What a variable is.

  2. Some of the rules/guidelines around variables.

  3. What you might use a variable for.

The coding lab will give you lots more practice with variables, but if you want even more, W3 schools has a nice tutorial too.