
Goals of this lecture#

The goal of this lecture is to introduce dictionaries. Python dictionaries are incredibly powerful objects, which you’ll end up using a lot (as well as variants of dictionaries) in your work.

  • What is a dictionary? How is it different from a list?

  • How do you create a dictionary?

  • How do you index into a dictionary?

  • Updating a dictionary.

  • Iterating through a dictionary.

What is a dictionary?#

In Python, a dictionary, or dict, is a mutable collection of items, which stores key/value pairings.

Key features:

  • Mutable: dictionaries can be updated.

  • Collection: like a list, dictionaries can contain multiple entries.

  • Key/value pairings: unlike a list, dictionary entries consist of a key (i.e., how you index into that entry), and its value (i.e., what it maps onto).

Simple example of a dict#

A dictionary is very useful for storing structured information.

person = {'Name': 'Sean Trott',
          'Occupation': 'Assistant Teaching Professor',
          'Location': 'San Diego'}
<class 'dict'>
{'Name': 'Sean Trott', 'Occupation': 'Assistant Teaching Professor', 'Location': 'San Diego'}

They also make it really easy to access that information.

Sean Trott
Assistant Teaching Professor

dict vs. list#

We could store the same information in a list, but it would be a little harder to work with.

person_list = ['Sean Trott', 
               'Assistant Teaching Professor', 
               'San Diego']

To access the information, we have to remember where a particular value was stored. This is harder to do, especially if there’s not any intrinsic ordering to the values.

Sean Trott

Rules about keys and values#

  • A dict cannot contain duplicate keys. That is, all keys must be unique.

  • However, multiple keys can have the same value.

## Different keys, same value
fruits = {'apple': 25, 
         'banana': 25}
{'apple': 25, 'banana': 25}

How do you create a dictionary?#

A dictionary (dict) can be created with curly brackets {}, along with the syntax {key_name:value}.

simple_dict = {'a': 1,
              'b': 2}
{'a': 1, 'b': 2}

Keys vs. values#

Keys are your access-point into a dictionary.

  • Must be an immutable type (e.g., a str or int); they can’t be a list.

  • Not all keys must be of same type.

Values are what the keys map onto.

  • Values can be anything: a str, int, list, or even another dict.

allowable_dict = {'a': [1, 2, 3]}
[1, 2, 3]
bad_key = {[1, 2, 3]: 'a'}
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [9], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 bad_key = {[1, 2, 3]: 'a'}

TypeError: unhashable type: 'list'

Dictionary length#

The len of a dict is the number of keys that it has (not the number of values).

allowable_dict = {'a': [1, 2, 3],
                 'b': [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8]}


What would the len of the dictionary below?

test_dict = {'Artist': 'The Beatles',
            'Songs': ['Hey Jude', 'Revolution', 
                      'In My Life']}
### Your code here


What would the len of the dictionary below?

test_dict = {'name': 'Sean',
            'items': {'food': 'sandwich',
                     'money': '$40'}}
### Your code here

Indexing into a dictionary#

Once you’ve created a dictionary, you’ll want to access the items in it.

  • An advantage of a dict (over a list) is that key/value pairings are inherently structured.

  • So rather than indexing by position, you can index by key.

The syntax for indexing is: dict_name[key_name].

person = {'Name': 'Sean Trott',
          'Occupation': 'Assistant Teaching Professor',
          'Location': 'San Diego'}
Sean Trott
San Diego


How would you retrieve the value 25 from the dictionary below?

test_dict = {'apple': 25,
            'banana': 37}
### Your code here

Indexing requires a key#

To index into a dict, you need to use the key.

  • The position of a value will not work.

  • The value itself will also not work.

test_dict[0] ### will throw an error
KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [17], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 test_dict[0]

KeyError: 0
test_dict[25] ### will throw an error
KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [16], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 test_dict[25]

KeyError: 25

Updating a dict#

Once you’ve created a dict, it’s not set in stone––there are multiple ways to modify that dictionary.

  • Adding new entries.

  • Deleting existing entries.

  • Combining two dictionaries.

Adding new entries#

## First, let's create a new dictionary
registrar = {'Trott': 'COGS',
            'Fleischer': 'COGS'}
{'Trott': 'COGS', 'Fleischer': 'COGS'}

We can add a new entry using the dict_name[key_name] = new_value syntax.

## Now we add a new entry to the dictionary
registrar['Styler'] = 'LING'
{'Trott': 'COGS', 'Fleischer': 'COGS', 'Styler': 'LING'}


Add an entry for the price of "pasta" to prices_dict below using this new syntax.

prices_dict = {'rice': 4, 'bananas': 3}
### Your code here


What would the len of prices_dict be after you’ve added that entry?

### How long is prices_dict after you've added "pasta"?

Deleting entries#

We can also use the del function to delete specific key/value pairs from a dictionary.

## First, we create a new dictionary.
attendance = {'A1': True, 'A2': False}
{'A1': True, 'A2': False}
## Then, we delete the entry with the "A2" key.
{'A1': True}

Merging dictionaries using update#

What if we have two different dictionaries that we want to combine or merge?

The update function can be used to do this.

## First, we create a new dictionary.
registrar = {'Trott': 'COGS',
            'Fleischer': 'COGS'}
{'Trott': 'COGS', 'Fleischer': 'COGS'}
## Now, we define another dictionary with more info.
registrar_other = {'Styler': 'LING',
                   'Ellis': 'COGS',
                  'Rangel': 'COGS'}
## Finally, we "update" original registrar
{'Trott': 'COGS', 'Fleischer': 'COGS', 'Styler': 'LING', 'Ellis': 'COGS', 'Rangel': 'COGS'}


Recall that a dictionary cannot contain duplicate keys. What do you think would happen to original_dict if we ran the code below?

original_dict = {'a': 1, 'b': 3}
new_dict = {'a': 2}
### What happens to original_dict['a']?

Updating with duplicate keys#

If we update a dictionary with another dictionary that contains overlapping keys, the new values replace the old values.

original_dict = {'a': 1, 'b': 3}
new_dict = {'a': 2}

Iterating through a dict#

Dictionaries are structured collections of key/value pairings.

As such, there are several ways to iterate (i.e., loop) through a dict:

  • Iterating through a list of keys (.keys()).

  • Iterating through a list of values (.values()).

  • Iterating through a list of key/value tuples (.items()).

Looping through keys with .keys()#

Each dictionary can be thought of as a list of keys; each key in turn maps onto some value.

We can retrieve that list of keys using dict_name.keys().

courses = {'CSS 1': 'Introduction to Programming',
          'CSS 2': 'Data and Model Programming',
          'CSS 100': 'Advanced Analytic Programming'}
dict_keys(['CSS 1', 'CSS 2', 'CSS 100'])

This dict_keys object behaves like a list: we can index into it, loop through it, and so on.

for course in courses.keys():
CSS 100


How could we retrieve each value of the dict using keys()?

### Your code here

Retrieving values#

Because each key maps onto a value, we can simply use it to index into courses.

for course in courses.keys():
    ## Index into courses
    name = courses[course]
Introduction to Programming
Data and Model Programming
Advanced Analytic Programming

Looping through values with .values()#

We can also retrieve the values directly using dict_name.values().

dict_values(['Introduction to Programming', 'Data and Model Programming', 'Advanced Analytic Programming'])
for course_name in courses.values():
Introduction to Programming
Data and Model Programming
Advanced Analytic Programming

Looping through key/value pairings with .items()#

Dictionaries are, at their core, a list of key/value pairings.

  • We can access each of these using dict_name.items().

  • items() returns a list of tuples:

    • The first element of each tuple is the key.

    • The second element of each tuple is the value.

for item in courses.items():
('CSS 1', 'Introduction to Programming')
('CSS 2', 'Data and Model Programming')
('CSS 100', 'Advanced Analytic Programming')

Assignment “unpacking”#

  • We can access each element of the tuple using indexing, e.g., item[0] or item[1].

  • However, sometimes it’s more convenient to unpack these elements directly in the for loop itself.

for code, name in courses.items():
Introduction to Programming
Data and Model Programming
CSS 100
Advanced Analytic Programming

Converting back to a dict#

We can use the dict function to convert a list of items back to a dict.

items = courses.items()
dict_items([('CSS 1', 'Introduction to Programming'), ('CSS 2', 'Data and Model Programming'), ('CSS 100', 'Advanced Analytic Programming')])
course_dict = dict(items)
{'CSS 1': 'Introduction to Programming', 'CSS 2': 'Data and Model Programming', 'CSS 100': 'Advanced Analytic Programming'}

Check-in: Looping through values#

Use the .items() function to loop through fruits_dict below. print out each item in a formatted string using format:

{fruit_name}: {price}.

fruits_dict = {'apple': 2, 'banana': 3}
### Your code here

Check-in: Debug#

Suppose someone writes a piece of code (see below) to loop through fruits_dict. Ultimately, they want to print out the price of each fruit.

However, they keep running into an error. Can you figure out what they’re doing wrong? And further, could you suggest a way to fix it?

### Why is this throwing an error?
for fruit in fruits_dict.values():
KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [59], in <cell line: 2>()
      1 ### Why is this throwing an error?
      2 for fruit in fruits_dict.values():
----> 3     print(fruits_dict[fruit])

KeyError: 2

Nested dictionaries#

A nested dictionary is a dictionary contained inside another dictionary, i.e., as a value.

In principle, there is no limit on how many nested dictionaries can be contained in a dict (besides memory capacity on one’s computer).

  • A nested dictionary is useful when you want to store complex information in each entry.

  • So far, we’ve dealt mostly with very simple key/value entries.

  • But what if we wanted to represent more complicated information?

Example, for each instructor in CSS (or COGS, etc.), store:

  • username.

  • Name.

  • Courses (a list).

  • Department

  • Title.

Check-in (conceptual)#

What would be a useful dict structure to represent information about instructors? For example, say we wanted to represent:

  • username (e.g., sttrott)

  • Name (e.g., Sean Trott)

  • Courses (e.g., ['COGS 14A', ...])

  • Department (e.g., COGS)

  • Title (e.g., Assistant Teaching Professor)

A possible implementation#

One approach is to use nested dictionaries.

  • At the top level, each instructor is represented by their username.

  • Each PID then maps onto a nested dictionary, which contains their Name, Email, and any other info we need.

instructors = {
    'sttrott': {'Name': 'Sean Trott',
                'Courses': ['COGS 14A', 'CSS 1', 'CSS 2'],
               'Title': 'Assistant Teaching Professor',
               'Department': 'COGS'},
    'sellis': {'Name': 'Shannon Ellis',
                'Courses': ['COGS 18', 'COGS 108', 'COGS 137'],
               'Title': 'Associate Teaching Professor',
               'Department': 'COGS'},
    'wstyler': {'Name': 'Will Styler',
                'Courses': ['LING 6', 'LING 101'],
               'Title': 'Director of CSS',
               'Department': 'LING'},

Indexing our nested dict#

We can index into this dict as we would normally. Note that now, the value is itself a dict.

{'Name': 'Shannon Ellis',
 'Courses': ['COGS 18', 'COGS 108', 'COGS 137'],
 'Title': 'Associate Teaching Professor',
 'Department': 'COGS'}


How might we index the Title of a particular instructor? I.e., what if we wanted to find out the Title of sttrott?

### Your code here

Nested indices#

Indexing into a nested dictionary follows the same logic––we can chain together index statements to retrieve a particular value.

'Assistant Teaching Professor'


How would you retrieve the list of usernames (i.e., keys) in this dict?


usernames = instructors.keys()
dict_keys(['sttrott', 'sellis', 'wstyler'])


This concludes our introduction to dictionaries.

As mentioned earlier, dictionaries are very widely used. They also help set the stage for a couple topics we’ll be discussing later on:

Next time, we’ll discuss a few more common operations that we use with dictionaries, and get some more hands-on practice.